Aerolite Installers

Best Roof Insulation

The Best Roof Insulation

Best Roof Insulation

Many Roof Insulation Products are on the market in South Africa and worldwide. In South Africa, we have fibreglass insulation products like Think Pink Aerolite and polyester products like Isotherm and Cellulose paper. Let us look at what is classified as the Best Roof Insulation. Importantly the Best Insulation is not always the most expensive.
Aerolite insulation is still regarded as one of the Best Roof Insulation for roofs.

We install all types of Roof Insulation that are SANS-compliant. However, the only Roof Insulation product we will not use is the CELLULOSE PAPER. Our opinion is more because of the health side effects and chemical compounds. 

As weather patterns have changed in the last few years, we find the summers and winters becoming hotter and colder. Homeowners are all looking for the Best Roof Insulation for Cold Winters and hot summers.

There are quite a few choices when it comes to Home Insulation. What should guide you into making the correct choice? Let’s look at what to look for when making your choice.

The Comfort Of an Insulated Home

After a tough day at work, we head home, looking forward to just relaxing. However, reality sets in as we arrive home to a cold house. We go for a quick bath and something to eat and off to bed.

Is this life, oh, hell no. Having the correct Insulation installed in your roof space will improve your internal temperature by 4 to 8 degrees. Insulated homes will save 35% more heat than un-insulated homes. Now, this is great, a small fire and the next thing you are in your T-shirt and shorts and chilling out.

Benefits Of Installing The Best Roof Insulation

  1. Years of energy-saving and comfort.
  2. Improve indoor temperature by 4-8 degrees.
  3. Reduce the need for heating and cooling.
  4. Reduce noise pollution only with glass wool insulation products like Aerolite. Polyester insulation types have little to no NRC ( Noise Reduction Co-efficient).
  5. Fire rating is critical. For this reason, the only products manufactured in South Africa that we know of fit that criteria are Aerolite Insulation and Knauf Ecose insulation. Importantly we can only install Aerolite in areas with a high volume of people. We must only install Aerolite in hospitals and schools, and clinics.

What Is the Best Roof Insulation?

When one considers the best Roof Insulation for cold winters, there are many factors to consider.

  • Fire rating.

  •  All New homes must be installed with SANS-compliant Insulation.
  • The Insulation must be SABS-approved.
  •  Life span.
  • Is the Roof Insulation safe to use?
  • Install Eco-friendly Insulation
  • Will the Insulation be affected by the wind?
  • If a significant roof leak or geyser bursts, will the Insulation absorb water and potentially collapse the ceiling?

Fire Rating of Aerolite

Aerolite has the highest fire rating in the country. It gives Aerolite Insulation a head start over most other roof insulation products.

The Aerolite Insulation Fire Rating is Class A/1. It means this Insulation can’t burn. This type of Roof Insulation is installed in the UK and most of Europe.

With many homes having downlights installed is a danger to any homeowner. These lights must have little holes around them to breathe. The Aerolite will be the first choice insulation for this as the highest fire rating.

SANS-compliant Roof Insulation

Firstly, installing SANS-compliant insulation in all new homes is compulsory in South Africa. South Africa has been divided into ZONES, and specific thickness insulation must be installed depending on the R-value specified.

SABS Approved Roof Insulation

It is wise to Install SABS-approved Insulation in your roof or ceiling space. This way, one knows that the Insulation is manufactured to a high standard.

Life Span Of Ceiling Insulation

Most insulation products for roofs have a short lifespan. Fiberglass Roofing Insulation will last 25 to 35 years. In fact, in most cases,

Aerolite will outlast the lifespan of most homes. The beauty of this is you pay once, and you have covered your Roofing Insulation cost in two to three years. After that, with years of more energy-saving and comfort.

It is pointless having the best roof insulation for cold winters if the Insulation has a short lifespan.

Is The Ceiling Insulation Safe To Use?

Aerolite has been proven safe to use in all forms of industry. This Insulation has been tested for years, and there is no part of the fibreglass insulation that is harmful. There will always be a little itch factor when installing Aerolite. However, a hot shower will remedy this very quickly.

Is the Insulation Eco-friendly?

All fibreglass Roof Insulation Products are regarded as Eco-friendly. Insulation is manufactured from 80% recycled glass and 20% naturally occurring silica sand.

Being Eco-friendly is a big step to becoming the best roof insulation for homes. However, the defining part of being the best roof insulation material is the given insulation’s ability to perform in all climate zones.

Will the Roof Insulation Be Affected by Strong Winds?

Fortunately, Aerolite Insulation is a roll form of Insulation. It is not a loose dust type of Insulation that gets pumped into the Roof space. Insulation will tend to blow to the more dominant wind direction side.

Roll-form insulation is cut to fit tightly between the beams. So effectively, this Insulation goes nowhere unless you have lost your roof.

Avoid Insulation That Absorbs Water

All Roof Insulation products will get wet if there is a leak in the roof. However, some products will absorb water until the ceiling collapses. This is more the paper-type blown-in insulation products.

Thermal Insulation Properties.

Install SANS-compliant Thermal Insulation for roofs. The higher the Thermal Insulation properties, the better the effect of the Insulation. R-value is the best measure for Thermal Insulation. For the best result, use the services of Professional Aerolite Installers.

Let’s Look At Some Of The Best Roof Insulation Options

This post will look at the main insulation product types and see how they stack against each other. It is not always easy to make comparisons like this. However, we need to look at what the main points are.

Aerolite Roof Insulation

Aerolite Roof Insulation is one of the best Roof Insulation products in the world. In fact, throughout Europe and the UK, the insulation product of choice is the Think Pink Aerolite. Why is this the case, you may ask?

#Aerolite Roof Insulation is regarded as one of the safest products on the market today. The World Health Organisation has given Aerolite a Rating111. Aerolite is bio-soluble and more reliable than many household products found in our kitchens, including some instant coffee and pickled vegetables.

# Fire rating A/A 1/1 this means that Aerolite will not burn. Putting a blow torch to this Insulation is not combustible. As a result, for Hospitals, Schools, and public areas, Aerolite is specified. So before deciding on your Insulation, do a fire test.

# R-value is the next most crucial factor. The Think Pink Aerolite Thermal Insulation has the highest R-value in its class. So this insulation product is SANS-compliant for all regions. And because it is a roll form insulation with a lifespan of 25 to 35 years, homeowners will have a lifetime of energy saving. Aerolite Insulation will not readily collapse

# Not only is the Aerolite 135mm the most popular insulation product we supply and install. Aerolite has the best NRC 1.1 ( Noise Reduction Coefficient ). This product is excellent for soundproofing.

# Aerolite will keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer. Saving energy in the process.

Polyester Ceiling Insulation Products

There are several Polyester Ceiling Insulation products; however, most polyester products are not very consistent. We have found the Isotherm to be the most consistent, installing the Isotherm with 145mm Insulation.

# Fire rating B/B 1 / 2 this means that Isotherm will burn with whatever is burning but not sustain a flame. The fire rating is of little concern; however, this fire rating is the best of the polyester insulation products. Not for use in hospitals. Isotherm or any Polyester insulation will readily burn even with a match.  However, when the flame dies, the flame on the Isotherm Dies.

# R-value, as mentioned, is essential, as mentioned earlier. Isotherm has an excellent R-value and is slightly below the Aerolite Insulation. The Isotherm 145mm Insulation is SANS-compliant for the Western Cape region. The Isotherm 100mm, 11.5 kg density, is SANS compliant for KZN. However, the Isotherm 100mm 10Kg3 density is not SANS compliant for KZN. The R-value on this product is far too low.

# NRC: Isotherm is not well known for soundproofing or reducing noise levels.

# Isotherm will keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer. And, of course, it will save on energy.

Cellulose Fiber Insulation

In our 30 years in the industry, this is a product that we will not install. Our primary concern is the chemical cocktail of as much as 25%.

Our concern is we remove tons of Cellulose per month with our industrial vacuum machine, and most clients are removing the product for health or water damage reasons.

Some believe that Cellulose does not work effectively. However, we don’t think this is the case. In our opinion, Cellulose is not effective because the wind shifts the Insulation as it is a loose dust type insulation.

# Fire rating of Cellulose is a hotly contested issue. Installed Cellulose has a B/B 1/2 fire rating. However, this is short-lived as the Cellulose loses its fire-retardant benefits.

In our opinion, Cellulose should not be used in coastal areas as the moisture affects Insulation. Old Cellulose insulation tends to smoulder when there is a flame.

When first installed, the Cellulose will not burn as quickly as a few years later. After 5 to 6 years, the product seems to ignite quite readily in some tests on old Cellulose.

# R-value of cellulose insulation is complicated to ascertain. Blowing the Insulation into the roof space doe not give an accurate insulation thickness but rather a wild guess.

Unfortunately, this means there is no exact Science on the depth of this Roof Insulation. Although the product has a stated R-value of 3.70 for the Western Cape, I find this difficult to accept. The other problem with loose paper Roof Insulation is wind.

We see Cellulose on one side and very little on the other.

Think Pink Aerolite Roof Insulation

The Think Pink Aerolite Roof Insulation is regarded as one of the Best Roof Insulation products available for the last 100 years. And in my opinion, this will be the same for the next 100 years.

Types Of Insulation Products

There are Insulation products for all types of applications. In homes, we have three main areas to insulate. 

  • Roof Insulation: All roof insulation is compulsory for all new homes built in South Africa as of January 2012. All Roofing Insulation must be SANS-compliant as per the new legislation.
  • Wall Insulation: Wall insulation is fitted between Drywalling to reduce heat and noise pollution.
  • Underfloor Insulation: Underfloor Insulation is laid before the foundation or concrete slab. The Underfloor Insulation reduces col rising air from underground entering the home in winter.

Energy Efficiency Of Roof Insulation

The higher the R-value of the Thermal Insulation, the better the energy efficiency of the Insulation properties. It is estimated. Insulated houses will cover the cost of Insulating in two to three years on energy saving alone.

Insulated Water Pipes

Insulating water pipes with Roof Insulation will substantially reduce heat loss in hot water pipes. 

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